While I applaud the game for giving us different endings and paths, I thought that some of the character specific scenes should have been intertwined within the main plot a bit more since the main story lacked strong character development. That's another thing I should mention, the ending routes. Kaguya's motives are equally badly explained in the main game and we don't learn anything significant about her unless you play through her ending route. Arisa throws herself at you so randomly I couldn't buy that her and the Mikage were falling in love for her ending route. Also, for being the games focus, the romantic branches seem just as stilted. Who is this “king” mentioned repeatedly? Where is this kingdom that it needs a constant barrier and standing army to defend it? Also, just what is this kingdom even CALLED? So many unanswered questions plague this game and I was left wondering why they bothered with this setting if they weren’t going to explore it much. We are also cast into this world and never given any true backstory to it. I understand that the romantic relationships between the main characters is the main focus, but some of the plot elements seem wasted such as the increased monster attacks and the characters' relationships with their respective families. Sakura Nova falters a little here and gives you a story that feels like it doesn't know what it wants to be. In a visual novel you expect the story to be the biggest draw and the true testament to how good the game is. In the case of Sakura Nova I think the story took the biggest hit. It seems that every other month sees another Sakura release and there are times when I feel that this affects the quality of the releases.
#Winged cloud sakura nova series#
I mention the others in the series in order to point out that Winged Cloud has been pushing out these visual novels at a breakneck pace.
#Winged cloud sakura nova plus#
Anyway, that aside, the voice acting here is top notch, another plus as it really added a depth to this game that I felt helped pull it above the others in the series. Also worth noting that the recent "Sakura Space" does not feature any voice acting, at least at the time of this writing. There are other Winged Cloud games that have had voice acting added to them after release such as "Sakura Fantasy Chapter 1" and "Sakura Angels", but the voice acting wasn't available at launch and were added after I had already finished them. I actually have never played another Winged Cloud game that had voice acting so this was a pleasant surprise. A fact I wasn’t aware of until after my initial playthough. Voice acting was something that I was actually not expecting in this game, though it is one of the game’s main selling points. The battle theme is a particularly good standout track and the other themes served to properly accompany whatever scenes they was set against. I actually thought the music was perfect in this game and was surprised it wasn't typical visual novel fare which usually is more filler than anything. those scenes took me out of the game in general as I was not initially expecting them at all really. Some of the uncensored sex scenes though had some odd art choices that really took me out of the game a couple of times. Backgrounds are also nicely done and while these can sometimes be extremely generic in games of this style, I thought they were well-done here and never had the feeling of being overly repetitive. They aren’t bad by any means though, just had me wondering if I had seen some of these characters before elsewhere. Character designs seemed a little too reminiscent of previous Sakura games, but that might just be me. It's colorful and some of the designs are fairly unique, especially those of the villains and the outfits of the main characters. Like other Winged Cloud titles, the art here is perfect. Let's back up though and take a closer look at the game itself. I'm not spoiling anything here by the way as these happen quite often and start very early on. I was also surprised by this game's obvious focus on romance and sexual encounters compared to some of the other entries in the series.

I was surprised to start it up and see that it actually took place in a fantasy setting, albeit a somewhat futuristic one sort of like the Phantasy Star games. I must first mention that when I first heard the title "Sakura Nova" I assumed that it was going to be a game that took place in space like the recent “Sakura Space” released shortly before Nova.