On the sole and universal salvific mediation of Jesus Christġ. In this way, Catholic readers will be given solid criteria for judgment, consistent with the doctrine of the Church, in order to avoid the serious confusion and misunderstanding which could result from reading this book. The present Notification is not meant as a judgment on the authorâÂÂÂÂÂÂs subjective thought, but rather as a statement of the ChurchâÂÂÂÂÂÂs teaching on certain aspects of the above-mentioned doctrinal truths, and as a refutation of erroneous or harmful opinions, which, prescinding from the authorâÂÂÂÂÂÂs intentions, could be derived from reading the ambiguous statements and insufficient explanations found in certain sections of the text. By signing the text, the author committed himself to assent to the stated theses and, in his future theological activity and publications, to hold the doctrinal contents indicated in the Notification, the text of which must be included in any reprinting or further editions of his book, as well as in all translations.

This Notification, approved by the Holy Father in the Audience of November 24, 2000, was presented to Father Jacques Dupuis and was accepted by him. These points concerned the interpretation of the sole and universal salvific mediation of Christ, the unicity and completeness of ChristâÂÂÂÂÂÂs revelation, the universal salvific action of the Holy Spirit, the orientation of all people to the Church, and the value and significance of the salvific function of other religions.Īt the conclusion of the ordinary procedure of examination, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith decided to draft a Notification, intended to safeguard the doctrine of the Catholic faith from errors, ambiguities or harmful interpretations. At the same time, while noting the authorâÂÂÂÂÂÂs willingness to provide the necessary clarifications, as evident in his Responses, as well as his desire to remain faithful to the doctrine of the Church and the teaching of the Magisterium, they found that his book contained notable ambiguities and difficulties on important doctrinal points, which could lead a reader to erroneous or harmful opinions. The Members of the Congregation recognized the authorâÂÂÂÂÂÂs attempt to remain within the limits of orthodoxy in his study of questions hitherto largely unexplored. Aware of the potential problems in this approach, the author does not conceal the possibility that his hypothesis may raise as many questions as it seeks to answer.įollowing the doctrinal examination of the book and the outcome of the dialogue with the author, the Bishop and Cardinal Members of the Congregation, in the Ordinary Session of June 30, 1999, evaluated the analysis and the opinions of the CongregationâÂÂÂÂÂÂs Consultors regarding the authorâÂÂÂÂÂÂs Responses.

It is not simply a theology of religions, but a theology of religious pluralism, which seeks to investigate, in the light of Christian faith, the significance of the plurality of religious traditions in GodâÂÂÂÂÂÂs plan for humanity. It must be emphasized that this text is an introductory reflection on a Christian theology of religious pluralism.

Toward a Christian Theology of Religious PluralismĪfter a preliminary study of the book Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism by Father Jacques Dupuis, S.J., the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith decided to proceed to a comprehensive examination of the text by means of its ordinary procedure, in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Regulations for Doctrinal Examination. CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH