Recipes which use “cups” or “sticks” are working to an imperial measurement scale, whereas recipe which use “grams” or “litres” are working to metric measurement scale.

Since one gram of butter is equal to 0.004409 cups, you can use this simple formula to convert: cups grams × 0.
#100 grams butter in cups how to
Butter equivalent measurements US cups grams tablespoons 3/8 cup butter 85 gram 6 tbsp 1/2 cup. 1 g 0.004409 c Do you want to convert cups to grams How to Convert Grams to Cups By Joe Sexton To convert a measurement in grams to a measurement in cups, multiply the butter by the conversion ratio.

As a general rule, Europeans and Australians follow the metric measurement system and Americans follow the imperial system. milk 3 tablespoons sugar 5 large egg yolks 3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon (50 milliliters) oil 7 tablespoons (3.5 ounces butter 100 grams) butter 8 cups. In the metric system a stick of butter is 100 grams.